How To Save Whatsapp Audio Messages - Step By Step Tutorial

Wondering how to save whatsapp audio messages? Many users are interested in learning how to do so. One of the reasons is due to the fact that their cellular phone has caught up with the latest advancements made in technology. Many people now use their mobile phones for messaging purposes as well as for calling others. Unfortunately, not all people know how to do this. So, here we will explore on how to save Whatsapp audio messages and other stored text messages on your mobile phone.

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How to Save Whatsapp Audio Messages on Your Phone? Well, there are other ways to learn how to save Whatsapp audio messages in iPhone and Android smartphones. First off, you can try to open the share menu and tap on the microphone icon that's on the top right corner of your device. Now, you will see that there are several options available to you, which include the standard ones such as call and talk.


Since you are using an Apple smartphone, you may have access to media startup features which include options such as allowing music to play when you receive calls or send messages. However, none of these options will actually help you out when it comes to saving audio files on your smartphone. Fortunately, there are third-party apps which can help you with media startup tasks in your apple device. These apps are quite similar to the ones provided by apple which means that they will enable you to use voice to talk functions while controlling your phone from the palm of your hand.

How To Save Whatsapp Audio Messages - Step By Step Tutorial


Another option would be to use dedicated tools provided by third-party companies to help you with how to save Whatsapp audio messages. These tools will allow you to transfer audio messages contained in your own iPhone or Samsung devices to your cellphone or device of choice. The good news about these tools is that they will work even if you happen to encounter a data loss in your device since they will keep track of the messages that you have already stored in their respective folders. This is very important especially if you tend to download a lot of podcasts to your device.


There are also those third-party applications which will allow you to control your smartphone using your voice instead of pressing the buttons on your device. One example of such a program would be Ringtones. This is ideal especially if you are working on your cellphone or Samsung Wave. To use the tool, all you need to do is to install Ringtones on your android device and then let it recognize your commands. This will then allow you to control your phone using your voice.


How to save audio files on your android device is quite easy. All you have to do is to open the Ringtones application which will then allow you to control your phone with your voice. Of course, you will have to configure it first before you can actually use it. One thing that many people have complained about is that it is quite difficult for them to understand the commands since it is operated through your voice. For this reason, it would be a great idea if you have someone to guide you on how to use the application since most people who are familiar with computers may find it hard to understand the interface. In addition, some people may not be comfortable with controlling their mobiles using their voice.


Another useful application that you can download from the internet is a video calling application which will allow you to make video calls from your iPhone to your android devices. In this part of the tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to transfer HSC messages (iPhone video contacts) into your Google account. The first step here is to download the video calling application which you can get from the Apple app store. Next, you need to install the software and then let it connect with your Gmail account.


Once the application has been installed, you can proceed to the settings section where you will need to scroll down to the "storage" section. Here, you will find a place where you can save your audios. One thing that you should keep in mind is that it does not support sending large files. If you want to transfer large audio files, you will have to use the third party application which has been mentioned earlier. In the last step of the tutorial, we are going to look at how to save whatsapp audio messages.

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